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Welcome to the Evolvepreneur (After Hours) Show

I am your Special Host Christine Campbell Rapin

Join me today where we dig deep with our guests and get you the best concepts and strategies to fast-track your business.

My very special guest today is Robert Norton ...

Robert Norton, with eight years of technologist experience including his role as CTO of Thomson-Reuters, is a serial entrepreneur who started four businesses, all sold for over $1 billion in net profit to investors during his tenure. He has twenty years of expertise as a CEO coach, adviser, and management consultant, specializing in growth and scaling.

Scaling a business requires changes in operations, finance, strategy, hiring, and systems. Around 40 different skills across the team are essential for successful scaling. Product-market fit and a repeatable sales formula are prerequisites for scaling, while maintaining competitive advantages and building the right team are crucial for sustained growth and innovation. Initial focus on a niche market without competition facilitates easier scaling before expanding to a broader market, and creating barriers to entry safeguards against imitators and maintains profit margins.

Key Moments:

  • Scaling a business requires more than just sales growth. It also requires operational improvements, financial management, longer planning horizons, and systematizing processes.
  • There are around 40 skills required for a company to scale successfully, not just one individual. This can include advisors, consultants, and part-time staff.
  • Companies should not try to scale until they have product-market fit and a repeatable sales formula.
  • Scaling requires hiring good people who can implement systems and processes, not just doing the work themselves.
  • Management needs to track key performance indicators to effectively manage a scaling business.
  • Very few startups actually reach $10 million or $100 million in revenue due to the challenges of scaling.
  • A company's sustainable competitive advantage comes from its people and constant innovation.
  • Startups should focus on a targeted niche with little to no competition initially before broadening their market.
  • Building a strong team is the most valuable resource for a scaling business.
  • Scaling requires different skills and mindsets compared to running a startup. Processes, systems and managing people become more important.


About The Show

Evolvepreneur (After Hours) Show features guest stories about entrepreneurs and their journeys from startup, growth to success.

If you're looking to succeed with quick start concepts for online entrepreneurs, this brand new show reveals how startup entrepreneurs or someone looking to start, grow or reboot their online business can understand how to create specific strategies to build their list, make offers and connect with their best buyers.

We want to help entrepreneurs make a real difference and navigate the messy world of startup or re-launch.

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